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Lost Scoute

Lost Scoute

About the Designer – After 25 years service in the Royal Marines I worked for the best part of a decade in the Middle East designing and conducting amphibious training. On return to the UK in 2012 I spent a short period working with a Charity followed by a few years in the oil and gas industry based in Aberdeen. Covid ended any possibility of a second career and, with little prospect of returning to work anytime soon, I built a shooting range! This is where the light bulb moment for the “LOST SCOUTE” came from. It is based on a military tool I used years ago and haven’t seen since. I was out shooting long range and was being directed onto a steel gong about 800m away. Unfortunately the guide I was with wasn’t trained in “Target Indication” and it was a confusing few minutes – the “LOST SCOUTE” would have been ideal aid for indicating the target and many others.

Currently being built in brushed Stainless Steel as the best material for strength and looks. The “LOST SCOUTE” has been designed for those wanting to point out anything seen with the naked eye; animals on safari to the young ones or reference points (and more) for the soldier or hunters on the ground. Whether you are a golfer pointing out a partners ball, an avalanche/mountain rescue worker showing the last point seen, or a security guard pointing out a face in the crowd, the uses are only limited by the owners imagination. I have used the “LOST SCOUTE” numerous times to indicate steel targets at long ranges to my students, a great time saver, particularly in adverse weather.

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